Certified Nutritional Therapist in Wimborne


Recommendations are so important in every aspect of our lives, however it’s vital that whoever you’re looking for – whether an accountant, lawyer ….or a nutritional therapist – that you find someone who has the credentials and qualifications to back up the recommendation.

In other words, you need to find someone who’s certified, someone who has completed a well-reputed course, obtained a diploma, has insurance to cover their practice….and more!

I obtained my nutritional therapy diploma at CNM, the College of Naturopathic Medicine, in London.  And then a few years later I went back to study again and completed a one year part-time postgrad course in iridology, using it in my practice as a really useful diagnostic tool.

The original nutrition course I did covered 3 years of pretty full time ‘part time’ study.  It encompassed health areas such as biomedicine, nutrition and diseases, diagnostics and other naturopathic therapies, to name just a few.

Before I was allowed ‘out there’ I had to complete 200 clinic hours – monitored clinics with volunteer patients which were held in the clinic rooms of the college.  I was so nervous about setting up my own practice I did an additional 80 hours at the same time here in Dorset, sitting in on two different therapists’ clinics over a year, watching and learning.  And then of course there were final exams to sit.

Obtaining a diploma for me was just the start!

Joining an appropriate speciaist-related organisation is vital.  It’s the organisation which checks credentials, requires that you keep up a certain number of annual CPD hours (continued learning at, for example, seminars, talks, conferences etc).  The organisation also  offers a forum for therapists to share knowledge and, what’s important for the public, it is a directory for people to find qualified therapists.

I belong to BANT (British Association for Applied Nutrition and Nutritional Therapy) and CNHC (Complementary and Natural Healthcare council).

What else?  I have a website – here! – where I post health-related blogs, workshop information, recipes and the like, plus I aim to send out newsletters (not too many to annoy!)   On top of that I keep a work-related facebook page – monicasappleaday – where I post info on new research papers or controversial health articles or healthy recipes or just fab food photos…

So, if you’re looking for a certified nutritional therapist in Wimborne you can find me in all sorts of places – from the BANT directory or by googling CNM or via my website, or under monicasappleaday…. or just looking up my name, Monica Watson-Peck!

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